30 December 2009

2009 in Review

This is my third time doing this whole year in review thing. Check out 2007 and 2008.


What did you do in 2009 that you'd never done before?
Acquired a job with a salary. What up, late bloomers!

Did you keep your New Years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
Apparently my only real resolution for this year was to get a job. Look who's batting a thousand.

Did anyone close to you give birth?
Sam's sister. And though the babe is in MA, I get the privilege of seeing some very cute baby shots on a regular basis.

Did anyone close to you die?
Just all the celebrities of the world. And I feel worst for Farrah. MJ totally stole her death thunder.

What countries did you visit?
Australia to see the sister.

What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
Giant admissions from exes that keep me in counseling. Whoa, who let the TMI fairy in with her pesky dust?

What date(s) from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
May 16- grad school graduation, five years to THE DAY of my undergrad graduation. Spooky. October 19- first official day on the *new* job.

What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Entertaining the thought of a buying a place of my own in the near future. And yes, even thinking that thought counts as an achievement. The obvious one is my Master's but that's been the product of several years. Regaining some of my confrontational personality after being a doormat for awhile.

What was your biggest failure?

Trying to figure out the damn html for this question. I know it is easy, but I'm lazy. F it.

Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing more than you typical colds. Oh, that's a lie. I found out I have the cholesterol of a dead person.

What was the best thing you bought?
Most recent haircut because I was way overdue for a change. Luck ring. Money spent towards mending clothes instead of buying new things.

Whose behavior merited celebration?
All my friends for putting up with my CRAZY. (same from last year. And from what I can see, every year going forward).

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Republican teabaggers. Seriously, you crazy.

Where did most of your money go?
Grad school (same for the past three years. Getting smart costs mad money, yo.), food stuffs, impulse purchases (hello, PedEgg)

What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Being done with school. Pig Pickin'. Moving to DC proper.

What songs will always remind you of 2008?
MILEY CYRUS- PARTY IN THE USA. AND YES THIS TOTALLY DESERVES ALL CAPS. All of Lady Gaga, the Fame Monster, but specifically Bad Romance. Darude- Sandstorm. Shakira- She Wolf. Good King Wenceslas.

Compared to this time last year, are you...
I. Happier or sadder? This exact time? Probably happier because I'm not putting any pressure on myself for NYE. Not that I'm not excited about my plans, I'm just not hanging all my happiness in the new decade on how tomorrow night goes.
II. Thinner or fatter? eh, lord knows. I back up at my heaviest weight (seriously, that TMI fairy is getting WAY too liberal with her dust) but the weight has arranged itself better this time.
III. Richer or poorer? Richer, but I'm no one's sugar mama.

What do you wish you'd done more of?
Trusted my gut instincts. Cooked at home more.

What do you wish you'd done less of?
Spent time obsessing about the past. Eating full fat cheese.

How will you be spending Christmas?
Christmas Eve was at cousin's house in south central PA, Christmas Day- Chinese food and "It's Complicated"

What was your favorite TV program?
Of the year? Glee. That's obvious.

Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
Hate is pretty strong. I don't think there is anyone I hate, that I know personally.

What was the best book you read?
The second book in the Wideacre trilogy. Seriously, maybe one of 5 books I read this year that WASN'T a romance novel. And there's still a healthy dose of sex (be it incestuous) in it. I need real book recommendations and how. The whole in grad school so I only have the brain power for romance novels doesn't cut it anymore.

What was your greatest musical discovery?
Miley Cyrus. Shut your face. Party in the USA makes me happy.

What did you want and get?
To move into DC proper.

What did you want and not get?
A museum job.

What was your favorite film of this year?

Oh lord. Well, I love most films, so really, pretty much anything I saw, I liked. Away We Go was cute. I loved the music in Pirate Radio and couldn't stop myself staring at the glasses. Star Trek was FANTAB. I feel like I answered the question a few weeks ago and was more erudite but it just isn't coming to me right now.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old?
The big old 26. Had many celebrations, including drag bingo and some good old fashioned bar time.

What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Getting my license- on my way with the permit! ---> always getting my license. Still holding fast with the permit.

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
"You look Amish, but in a good way." direct quotation from coworker from this summer.

What kept you sane?
Professional help. Friends. -----> some things never change

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Lee Pace. Ah, lovely pie maker. Also, I just finished Wonderfalls and the man is too cute for words, unless the words are TOO CUTE.

What political issue stirred you the most?
The fact that people don't want universal health care. I don't know much more about the debate but I just want to slap people who don't believe in health care for all. Because they've never been uninsured and boy howdy, does it suck.

Who did you miss?
My ladies out west. My ladies in Baltimore.

Was 2009 a good year for you?
I truly think that each year since high school graduation has gotten better and better (for the most part). Which makes me really excited to get old.

What was your favorite moment of the year?
Graduating is pretty up there. Any and all champagne Mondays (Tuesdays, Wednesdays, etc.)

Where were you when 2009 began?
Logan Circle, one of a few peeps dressed up at a dinner party.

Who were you with?
Folks from Haverford and the lovely folks I know through them.

Where will you be when 2009 ends?
Birthday/NYE party in Adams Morgan.

Who will you be with when 2009 ends?
A bestie from work, Monica, and greader friends. What up, Google Reader!

What was your favorite month of 2009?
March had me in Australia but also learning that I didn't get a dream job. May had me graduating but also moving. October had me starting a new job AND dressed up as Maleficent, so that's pretty awesome

How many different states did you travel to in 2008?

How many concerts did you see in 2009?
Um, just one, I think. But it was awesome. Guster. Hello, college.

Did you have a favorite concert in 2009?
See above.

Did you do anything you are ashamed of this year?
Shame is heavy. I pretty much am embarrassed by most things I do but they make me, me, so shame doesn't enter the picture.

What was the worst lie someone told you in 2009?
"Yeah, a second date would be fun."

Did you treat somebody badly in 2009?
Certainly brusque or brash at times, but always out of love.

Did somebody treat you badly in 2009?
Nothing out of the ordinary.

If you could go back in time to any moment of 2009 and change something, what would it be?
Say yes to moving into the place I lived over the summer. Oh the headaches.

What are your plans for 2010?
Lower my cholesterol to that of only someone on the brink of death. Save money so that when my lease is up, I can move to my own place or only have one roommate (big girl dreams!). Take stock of my life more often and have my choices reflect my desires. Stop writing sentences like that.

30 November 2009

Not nearly as energetic as I get during Boston, let me tell you

Some Black Friday Rock Band for your entertainment pleasure. That's my sister Erin on the bass and my dad Tim on the guitar. Stepmom Nancy, thanks for recording this for the whole world to see.

And with that, I'm NaBloPoMo'd out! I'll let you know if I won anything other than pride for posting once a day for a month.

29 November 2009


If I had the time and $$, I would so so so SO be doing this.

You should and make me jealous.

28 November 2009

I Will Annoy You

I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping, at least for my family. My two large immediate families.

Go ahead, hate me. It is ok, I would normally hate on go getters like me.

Eenywho, there are a few family members who I'm still working on, so I can't show particular things, but I also wanted to point out that my lovely friend Karel is having a sale until 7 December.

Check out sunshower designs for tres pretty stuff! Until 7 December! Woot!

PS. One thing I will show you, because I think it is a bit overwhelming for the person in mind but maybe you know, not for... me. Hint, hint. SO. GLORIOUS.

27 November 2009

Self Promotion

So, while you are recovering from your turkey induced coma, why not check out what I do for a living? Namely, write emails for things like this.

Today's email includes the phrase "kick up your slippered feet". I hope mine are engaged in some Rock Band, but Happy Black Friday to you all anyway.

26 November 2009


Happy Thanksgiving, my American readers! And to those non-US peeps, I still wish a happy day to you, as well.

Things I'm Thankful For
- being in Florida in November
- cilantro
- long brunches with my former roommates
- long lunches with current coworkers
- in general, eating over an extended period of time with people who make me laugh
- my bed
- my West Coast ladies
- Glee
- brevity

25 November 2009

Interview Time

For the second time, I participated in the Great Interview Experiment. And with everyone in the world to chose from, I got interviewed by someone in my backyard. And I interviewed someone who lives in Melbourne, where I lived for 6 months. Small world.

So, without further ado, here's Carla's interview. She's a magnificent writer, so you are in for a treat.

Hi Carla, sorry it took me so long to get to you with questions, you've already completed yours! Impressive. I just wanted to read your blog a bit and make it a bit more personal.

I do have some questions in mind but I want the interview to be a bit more organic and conversational, so I'll just feed you one at a time.

You mentioned you are in Uni getting your Master's and you are a mom with two young kids. How do you do it all?

Xanax. Yep they are everything that people say they are... Seriously though...you forgot to add in the busy Cafe that I own! How do I do it all?

The kid's part is relatively easy. Once they can wipe their own tushies and open a pack of cornflakes in the morning everything else is chocolate brownies! (well forgive me- but I like chocolate brownies better than a piece of cake.)

Business...well to be honest I just halved that workload recently by selling one of my cafes earlier this year. I'm not sure if I had the seven year itch with them...but I'm glad that I made the decision. My hubby who works in the technical-sphere said he has noticed a huge difference in me on the scale of calm to frazzle.

I was tired of frazzle.

As for the studies, it would have been easy at that point to sit back and enjoy some quiet time, but instead I applied for the post-grad masters course in writing because I felt that it was time to release a dream that has been sitting dormant inside for awhile. I'm not sure if it's a win or a fail yet... but if you want something bad enough you simply find or make the time for it. I truly believe in the old adage that we can only be the best mothers and the best wives and the best friends that we can be when we are happy within ourselves.

the kids get a big kick out of sitting down to do our homework all together...

I can't believe I left out the cafes, especially since I worked in a variety of them for EIGHT YEARS! That makes that Xanax super super important. Three of my four parents were in school at some point during my childhood, but we never did our homework together - lucky kids!

Eenywho, on to my next question. I studied abroad in Australia (Melbourne Uni, even!) and have long wanted to live abroad again. If you could pick up and move anywhere with no drama, where would move and why?

You've lived in my beautiful town of Melbourne... so it's no surprise that I'd say- I wouldn't live anywhere else in this world! (...and I've crisscrossed the globe so I know what I'm talking about...) But for the purpose of this exercise I will say London, England. I'd like to say it's for the history, or because it's the perfect geographic base to allow me to trace back through my European roots of England and Ireland and Poland and Russia, or due to any other number of intelligent and culturally significant reasons...but really...the truth is...it's because men with British accents make me swoon...

Feel free not to use the you-tube link... I'm a little mad for Colin Firth so I thought I'd share (perhaps overshare!!!) LOL

When did you live in Melbourne?

Great question by the way!

I'm enjoying the way you are doing this... it allows me not to think too much ahead and it does feel very conversational...

Oh the link is a keeper. I LOVE Colin Firth as well. One of my life goals is to make a man with an accent fall in love with me.

I was in Melbourne from February-June 2003 - almost seven years ago! My little sister spent her semester abroad at Bond in Queensland, so I got the chance to visit her this past April. As lovely as the beaches were, I'm a total Victoria snob.

You mentioned crisscrossing the globe - do you have a top five foreign locales that everyone should visit? Did you do much of this traveling with your kids? I also lived for year in England when I was growing up and me and my large family drove all over Europe. So while I can say that I've been to Venice and Paris, it was as an 11 year old with all my siblings - I imagine it would be a different experience today!

I feel blessed to have been able to travel, and I understand the importance of exposing my children to the greater world in which we live. They are by now pretty good travelers having journeyed across Australia and having done four trips abroad to such far away places as China and Japan.

I find this an interesting question…particularly since what is foreign to me may not be foreign to you. And I’m intrigued that you have asked me for five places, not one or three but five, so let’s see if I can give you a place to visit, somewhere. I have been, somewhere to satisfy each of your senses…

Beijing, China

Beijing is for me the ultimate in contradictions, it's all high-tech lightning speed nestled beside ancient hutongs and revolutionary scars. It’s all about the sights. The bustle of humanity, the snaking Great Wall, the immensity of the soul-breaking Tiananmen Square and the most delicious of them all, The Forbidden City- home to the Dynastic Emperors and their hundreds of Empresses and Consorts and Concubines and a mind boggling array of offspring. The grounds of which are now visited by Chinese tourist families, who sightsee the magnificent ancient ways of privilege and excess, holding the hands of their single children tightly.


Pentecoste Island, Vanuatu

Every year the local men of this island village perform an amazingly-scary ritual called N’gol or Land Diving, jumping head first from hand built scaffolds miles in the sky. And between them and death is their Gods and a single ropy green vine. But this is not what will touch you in Pentecoste. As we snorkeled the azure waters pointing in delight at extraordinarily coloured corals and fish, my daughter met a smiling and happy island girl on the soft sands of the beach. And by the very nature of little girls there was no shyness or awkwardness over language barriers, there was just an immediate friendship. They showed each other their bags.

My daughter had her DS and ipod and lollies and toys and other girly treasures.

The smiling and happy island girl had a shell and the stub of an old grey-lead pencil.

It was a lesson in the material nature of happiness given to my daughter, like a gift wrapped in banana leaves, that touched all of our hearts.


Rome, Italy

In Rome I was taken to a restaurant that screamed so badly of cliché it almost made my eyeballs bleed red, white and green. From the expected check of the table cloths right through to the stubs of melted candles stuffed into old bottles of chianti, still in their little straw bikinis. The waiter seeing that we were foreigners took it upon himself to organize the menu. He said it would be traditional. I wasn't holding out for too much.

But what followed was a meal that was operatic to the palate.

Simple pane, bread slices drizzled with olive oil, melanzane- vinegared slices of purple skinned eggplant, forkfuls of mushrooms clinging to tomato drenched tagiatelle,
tender osso buco scattered with shavings of aged romano cheese and flat leaf parsley, and limone gelato so glacial and lemony-brutal that our lips remained puckered in ecstasy till the following morning.


New York City, U.S.A

Good Lawd, the cacophony of New York is the sweetest clang of music to my ears. It’s a heady brilliant scream of conceit, from a goddamn sexy bitch who has every effen right to be conceited.

Traffic and music and words and food and art that’s the hiphop-techno-crunch-folky-rock-ballad of your soul. And the taxi driver who drives with one hand on his horn and the other waving the bird as he screams out the window at the arsehole who just cut us off.

Don’t worry, no probs
, we’re in no hurry! we say wide-eyed-petrified from the back seat.
S’okaaaay the taxi driver sings bringing his head back into the cab,
Relaaaax man!

This is how we do things in New York.


Melbourne, Australia

On any given summer evening there is a smell that wafts, tantalizingly over the suburban fences of my home town, Melbourne.

Can you smell it? Come stand at the front of my house, yes, right here on the footpath. Lift your nose to the air, breath it in deeply. That’s the inhalation of Australia.

It’s blended gum leaves, fresh cut lawn, and steaks grilling on the bbq. You can almost taste the potato salad and smell the coconuty sunscreen on the children who are running around in their bathers eating sausages in square bread squirted with tomato sauce. The salty air of the ocean is twenty minutes to one side and dark mossy smells from the foresty mountain ranges are twenty minutes the other way. And in between, is the brackish upside down river that courses through a city so multicultural that it simply smells of the foods from all nations.

I mean, am I right or am I right? The lady spins a yarn. Thanks, Carla! It has been a pleasure.

ETA: Sorry the font is and has been all kinds of wonky, I've been trying to figure it out, but why deal with html at home when I get enough of it at work? Not that I'm drowning in it or anything, but a little goes a long way...

24 November 2009


Last summer, I interned at the National Geographic Museum. And I LOVED it. So whenever they do cool things - and that's a lot - I'm proud. And they have just opened something massively cool.

The exhibit, Terra Cotta Warriors, is open until the end of March and it is the last top of the artifacts' four stop tour in the US. I got to see the exhibit the day before it opened this week (oh la la, be jealous) and it is really breath taking. If you are in DC at all in the next season, you really need to go.

If the $12 price tag deters you, go on Wednesday at 5:30pm, when they give away 200 free tickets for the 6pm time slot.

23 November 2009

Homestrech and GIE

The end of November is in sight and good thing, too, since I'm losing steam. In fact today, I'm not even going to really write here but instead point you to MamaKaren's interview of me, as part of Citizen of the Month/Neil's Great Interview Experiment. Thanks for the great questions, MK!

And I'm out.

22 November 2009

Party in the USA

How could you improve on this?

How about this --

21 November 2009

Taste of Parenthood

The dog I watch occasionally is a bit of a diva in the rain. I mean, I can't blame her. I wouldn't really want someone to watch me go to the bathroom ever, let alone when it is miserable out. So it can take some doing to make sure she goes to the bathroom during a storm.

But boy, when she does, I am so. freakin. happy. and proud. I even exclaim. And laugh a little. And I'm that slightly off kilter woman, holding a bag of poop, crying in happiness.

20 November 2009

Green Rant of the Day

In this day and age, why do I have to argue with someone about turning off the light when you leave a room? I don't care if it is an energy saving light bulb, energy is energy, all goes to our bill and destruction of the earth, etc.


In other non hippie rage news, I'm about to wash my hair for the first to see what it looks like curly. Will report back soon.

19 November 2009


Don't have much energy because I just transformed THREE POUNDS of turkey into homemade meatballs.

To all those who were freaking out about not having turkey at the office potluck but who weren't going to do anything about it, I say, SHUT UP AND EAT MY BALLS.

18 November 2009

I'm such a whiner

Here's the pic I brought in.

And here's me!
Oh the drama over a hair cut!

I haven't tried Samy Big Curls curl defining creme yet, but am tres excited and if it doesn't work out, eh, $4 down the tubes. If it is the bees knees, you know I'll be telling everyone about it.

Other things featured in my vlog (barf, did I just use that word?):

- Conair Infiniti: Pretty nice hair dryer, but I only dry my bangs, so it doesn't get a whole lot of abuse. Does its job adequately.

- Conair Ultra Slim Ceramic Flat Iron: nothing too fancy here, but again, only for bangs, so does its job well enough for me.

Will comment on other products once I've used them. Addendum to video: already tried air difuser on for size and of course, doesn't fit. Lies, I tell you, lies! But hopefully this is a temporary set back.


17 November 2009

Second Thoughts

I'm sure you are tired of me talking about both a) yoga and b) my hair, so... I'm only going to talk about one of them in this post! BULLY FOR YOU!

So, of course, I have a great hair day right before the day I'm supposed to cut it all off. And I'm having second thoughts. What if I have mom hair? What if it gets way too curly for its own good and eats my face in the middle of the night? Because that has been totally known to happen when hair gets curly. Oh the humanity!

Waving good bye to my youthful and non-mom hair length.

Oh look! It is my friend, Juliet! Hi, Juliet! We had our six year friend-aversery this summer (what up, nerd caamp!). She would like to tell you that she doesn't have a butt chin, that is a scratch. In the interest of full disclosure, it was a pimple that she popped that became a scab that she then hit with her blowdryer. You can see why we are friends.

Anyway, the hair.

I hope it isn't hideous. Will post pics tomorrow of (hopefully) infertile hair. Of course, it will be straight, so won't be much of an indicator anyway.

16 November 2009

I did it!

Um, who am I? Three yoga classes, three days. My abs hate me. But I do like that I'm moving around more. In fact, I feel like I need to do it more. So I'm thinking of joining a gym.

The couch potato wants to sweat? Well, there will need to be a tv attached to the bike.

15 November 2009

Quick Review of Pirate Radio

Music is great. Kenneth Branagh plays a very good evil man. There is a guy named Twatt. I really really need a man with an accent to fall in love with me before I die. Surprisingly stressful there are the end. Quality flick, will likely Netflix it once it comes out. Go see it.

14 November 2009

Yoga Crunch

So, back in September, I bought a 10 class, 3 month yoga pass. And I used two classes in quick succession... and then let it falter. Oops, my bad. But now, there are three weeks left on the pass and I have 8 classes left. Which means an average of 2.33 classes over the next three weeks.

I went to one today and have another one scheduled for tomorrow, so I'm on the right track... wish me luck!

13 November 2009

Wannabe fashion blogger

So, I don't have the check book or the time to be a dedicated fashionista, but I do follow several fashion bloggers. Today, the independent line M641 was featured on Broke and Beautiful.

What do you think?
Sam says that I need to let go of the Renn Fair, but I think I like it! And while I love getting huge deals at the big chains, I do like to be a hippie sometimes and support independent outfits.

12 November 2009

My roommate just said Rasputin, which means I need to post this

Rah, rah, Rasputin, lover of the Russian queen.

Thank you, Boney M.

11 November 2009


So, last year, I did Neil aka Citizen of the Month's Great Interview Experiment. And it was fun! So when he posted that he was doing it again, I jumped. Kinda literally, in that I was the 5th person to comment.

And now I've frozen up! I'm hoping that some great questions will come to me over the weekend... or that you guys will have some ideas? Please, pretty please?

What are some questions that you would ask a random blogger?

10 November 2009

Thought Upon Having First Lollipop in Years

I wonder how many Tootsie Roll Pop Wrappers I saved with that American Indian?
Seriously, I think I had dozens of these. DOZENS. And for what? I can't even remember.

Can anyone remind me?

09 November 2009

Semi Annual Hair Cut/ New Glasses Speech

So, I haven't had a drastic haircut, length-wise, for over five years. Through the years, every three to four years, I chop off all my hair. Like... allllll my hair. My last donation was September 2004 and I've been slowly working on bangs since March 2008. I feel like a major change but I don't want to go super short again. I'm thinking something like this, maybe a little longer, with a side swept bang.

Also, I need new glasses. What do you think of these?

Also, remember that I'm not a willowy blonde. I look like this.

ETA 11:04PM: Do you think I could pull this off? Too short with my mad curly hair and cheeks?

08 November 2009

Pig Pickin' Aftermath

So, I'm home from pig pickin'. And fun can be so exhausting. There was frisbee, football, and tons and tons of food. And beer. And scotch and ginger ale. And a bluegrass band. They did not take my requests. I'll never know why not.

07 November 2009

Pig Pickin'

By the time you read this, I should be elbow deep in some fine swine. Perhaps elbow deep is a bit of an exaggeration, but I do expect a healthy amount of hog. Nom. Also, s'mores. And maybe a beer.

I'm camping this weekend with some friends from work, though if we electing to spend this much time together outside the office, I can legit just call them friends. I do sometimes worry that I make the leapt to friendship too fast - and with Facebook, it can be oddly quantified - but as I grow older, I'm starting to worry less and less if people think I'm being crazy re: friendships. I like people!

Man, strange how a post about camping could turn into a treatise on how I veiw definitions of friendship. Also, can't wait to sleep in a tent.

06 November 2009

RIP, Levi-Strauss

He was the source of so many of my college readings. And I never stopped giggling when his name came up.

Levi! Like the jeans!

I shall continue to chuckle, my good man.

Also, I thought you were already dead. Sorry about that.

05 November 2009

I tip my hat to you, Al Gore

You're welcome, the hundreds and hundreds who follow J-money.

Some people may poo poo the importance of blogging and while I still love reading mags and books, there is something about the connectivity of the internet. It makes it so much easier to talk to someone whose writing I admire... and even though it may be something like a House five day forecast, it makes me happy that I can send something along to someone who is famous in their own way... and it matters!

The Internet: more than a series of tubes.

04 November 2009

Where is Tatiana and who is the sports fiend who took over her blog?

Right? I don't know myself... and I kinda like it.

It is the World Series, so that's something I generally like watching, but I'm caring more than I normally would. I'm exhausted but I've got Game 6 on right now. And it is depressing.

I was also at the Wizards- Heat game earlier tonight. Me. At a professional sporting event. And I didn't even have a hot dog! It was fun but I only stayed for the first half because of aforementioned tiredness... and aforementioned baseball game.

Maybe I'm augmenting my "like it and have something to talk to with guys" thing from Magic the Gathering (thanks, first boyfriend, for teaching me a game that I continue to bring up on first dates to this day) to sports. I already have the Orioles (painful as that may be), apparently I like the Wizards well enough (though I do like Dwanye Wade- Go Heat!) but football - I've got no clue. Redskins are doing shitty, so I guess... Ravens? But that just doesn't feel right. Eagles? I like their colors and I went to school there. Eh, I guess Ravens... for now.

03 November 2009

Just Under the Wire

Only my third day and I'm already barely making. With going away this week (w00t, pig pickin'!), I'm going to have to some magic and post some things ahead of time.

For now, if you are on the internet, I'm sure you've seen this, but if you haven't: you're welcome.

02 November 2009

Chutley, don't fail me now

Those who know me know I'm not a super obsessed sports fan, but I was raised to despise the Yankees and I went to college outside of Philly, so I have no problem rooting for the Phillies. Bonus: players named Chase Utley (Chutley, obvi) and Pedro Feliz (Happy Peter). Of course, I'm sitting her on my couch, Game 5, and the Yankees are up 3 games to 1. Boo-urns.

Maybe if Mac was allowed to give Chutley his letter, this wouldn't be happening.


ETA 9:10pm: What was that? "5-1 Phillies, here in the third... Phillies, facing elimination, up by 4."

ETA 10:39pm: Two homeruns in the 7th? Yes, please.

ETA 11:27pm: Way to make it stressful, Phillies! If you had blown that SIX POINT LEAD, I think I would have cried.

And seriously, where did all this caring come from? I missed How I Met Your Mother et al.

01 November 2009


So, today is November 1st, which means one thing around these parts: NaBloPoMo. This marks nablo's fourth year, and my third (god, let that sink in), so be on the lookout for daily posts. May not all be words, probably a fair amount of pictures and songs on the busier days.

Some changes you might see. I've been thinking a lot about my various blogs, for work, for me, and how much easier it would be to combine them all here. A few major things are defining me at the moment: my new job (E-Activism Fellow at Oceana! w00t! go me!) and the fact that I'm a single gal in DC. These things are always subject to change, but for some reason, segmenting my writing feels a little like segmenting up my life. So, that means that there will likely be more work and dating writing here on these parts. But we'll see, we shall see. Sharing an email I'm sending out to over 300,000 people is one thing, writing about my latest dating debacle when I know my family reads this is another. So... we'll see.

In a totally unrelated note, today, I've watched Sleepless in Seattle, About Last Night, Vikings v. Packers, parts of Ghostbusters, Knocked Up, Brothers and Sisters, and Game 4 of the World Series. Let's here it for a solid couch day.

24 October 2009

22 October 2009

Victory Garden

So, I was flipping through a recent issue of Oprah mag and I came across a fantastic idea. What, you don't subscribe to Oprah? You totally should. It is way more positive than other glossies and with the exception of the front page, letter from the editor, and the last page, there isn't a lot of Oprah in it.

That's all besides the point.

I was reading an article about cooking for one* or maybe it was about sustainable kitchen behaviors but in it, the author recommended that you save your produce scraps -- onion skins, root veggie stubs, leafy greens -- in the freezer and then you can make a stock. Like Carl Weathers ("You got yourself a stew!").

So I've been saving up all the dribs and drabs. And... well, I also bought one of those rotisserie chickens from the grocery store. And that carcass got added to the pot, too.

Last night, I finally made the stock. And it just made my house smell like fall. I let it boil away for a few hours, adding more water, a bit of salt, some rosemary I found kicking around, and I just felt... so adult. And frugal. And green.

On the menu for the weekend: making risotto. With my stock. Making rice. With my stock. Crafting cooked starches. With my stock.

*hello, men folk! I subscribe to Oprah, blog, watch a lot of crappy TV, and read articles about cooking for one.

28 September 2009

Odd Sleep Patterns

So I've been awake for over an hour and instead of fretfully trying to fall back asleep, I figured I would use this time to write a cover letter for a job I'm already doing but don't officially have... yet. I hope.

Fall is here but in true DC fashion, the lovely temperate days are mixed in with some extra summer temps that September just can't seem to shake. I'm all for sundresses, but for just a little bit, I would like to wear them with boots instead of flip flops, kthxbi.

When I moved to my new place (have to pass grocery store on way home) about a month and a half ago, I figured my home cooking rate would shoot through the roof. It has not. I also have to walk past an empanda joint. These things may or may not be related.

It is time for a fall haircut but can't decide whether I should go side swept bangs that are probs totes better for my face shape or straight across because I didn't get to enjoy them enough before sweltering summer.

15 September 2009


If I own these boots in black, am I allowed to buy them in gray or red?

Either would make my Renn Fest costume pop.

31 August 2009

The childhood film references continue

So I cut my hair at the very end of spring and finally achieved the heavy bangs that I wanted. And right before graduation, too. Very gutsy of me. But then summer came and brought with it THE HEAT. And since I am always hotter than everyone else in normal situations, I'm especially sticky in the summer, forcing me to pin back my bangs for the majority of the summer.

Today, I decided it was temperate enough for my forehead to have some coverage so I straightened my forehead curtain.

All of this to say that I strongly resemble Peg from Lady and the Tramp.

And a trim might be in order.

30 August 2009

Disney Sunday

I may or may not have just brushed my hair with a fork a la Ariel.

27 August 2009

This is why I'm fat

I try to cook for one and this is what happens.

So much tasty, so much.

17 August 2009

Single Girl Menu

I've been single long enough now that I eat whatever I want, gas be damned. Also, I'm moving so I don't have a whole lot of options. Menu of choice the past few days: hard boiled eggs with balsamic vinaigrette and pesto.

And sometimes, I skip the eggs.

03 August 2009


So, the posting here has been light. And that is in direct proportion to how HEAVY my summer has been in terms of stress. Starting back on 3 April, I've been in Australia for a few weeks, came back just in time for a 4 day conference in Philadelphia, graduate, move, job hunt, have landlord issues, job hunt issues, and will be moving again and probably losing full time employment in the coming month. Not because I'm getting fired but because my work is just kinda piecemeal right now. So, yeah, feeling a bit less pithy that I normally do.

However, for the month of August, I will be doing more content writing for Oceana and I would love it if you checked it out over here. Of course, my last name will now be eternally liked to rizado, but alas, tis my fate. If things calm down, perhaps I'll come back here for more quips, but for the time being, my writing energies are focused where the dollar dollar bills are- work.

31 July 2009

Recession Shopping

I will have to take photos of my other amazing finds, but for starters, I got this beauty for $25. Find of the century. Go Nana.

To come- amazing apron skirt, maxi dress of my dreams, recycled tote, and best bowl this side of heaven.

Retail therapy, I <3 you.

30 July 2009


I can be all about something but then they have to go and misspell "Colombian" and it is all over.

05 July 2009

Sunday Funday

You ever have those days where you are just filled with a BURST of cooking energy? Mine are few and far between but boy, howdy, was today ever one of them.

1. Roasted shrimp and aspagrus over whole wheat pasta with thyme and lemon juice.
2. Arugula salad with hearts of palm, red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds which will eventually be dressed with basil vinaigrette
3. Corn salad with black beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, hearts of palm, and lemon juice. Thought I had cilantro. Will be trying my hardest not to eat now and wait until I pick some up tomorrow.
4. Whole wheat pizza with basil pesto, red onion, mushrooms, tomatoes, and feta cheese.

And I'm not eating any of it tonight! Besides the snacking I've done along the way to taste test, this is all food for the week. I'm going out to dinner tonight with Alice and home for dinner on Tuesday, so I hope I can eat it all before it goes bad.

I'm looking forward to some delicious meals over the next few days.

25 June 2009


Sorry I haven't been posting. I just recently escaped from the compound.*

*You know, like Big Love and those peeps in Texas. They have the same hair as this. Um, if I have to explain it, it isn't as funny.

31 May 2009


A what point did saying "Bless you" or some other similar remark fall out of fashion? Is it just me? And I don't want to be gender biased but it seems that it is mostly men of my recent acquaintance who don't say it- new roomies, new friends, etc. who are more than perfectly nice, very considerate in every other way, but when I let a big one fly- and those of you who have had the pleasure of experiencing one of my sneezes first hand know that they can be EPIC- not a word!

I guess in the grand scheme of things, not having a person say "Salud" is a small complaint. But it is one I have all the same.

28 May 2009

Sad post

Poor rays.

25 May 2009

Extremely Important Poll

Which Natty Boh shirt should I get?

Pro Orange
- I don't have an Orioles shirt and unless I have a strong affinity for a player, I like sports shirts that don't have players names on the back. I like to feel I'm supporting the whole team. I now wish I had gotten a Red Soxs Edgar Renteria shirt, but that's a whole other ball of wax.
- With the orange shirt, it is good for the entire baseball season.

Anti Orange
- I miss the little curl.
- Would only really be suitable at baseball games or other Baltimore pride events.
- I think I will still kinda want something with the old school Orioles smiling cartoon bird on it.

Pro Green
- Um, hello? MARYLAND FLAG. SHAMROCK. I could proudly display my regional and familial heritage while proclaiming my taste in cheap beer.
- Green goes with so many more things.
- Have I said MD flag? Because it counts twice.
- Good transition from my green miniskirt to a more family appropriate St. Patty's Day outfit.

Anti Green
- Really made for just the one day a year.
- While Orioles and Natty Boh are very Baltimore, it can be argued that other cities have a stronger claim to St. Patty's Day. That being said, my Irish family connections are through Charm City.
- MD flag. I get enough flack as it is with all my pro Maryland sentiment. Do I really want to add fuel to that fire?

23 May 2009

Things I've Bought Recently That've Made Me Feel Good

A haircut. It has been a year in the making, but look- the bangs!
Luck ring from South Moon Under. Totally copied my little sister on it, but I could use all the luck I can get.My fancy brown flip flops have been on their last legs for quite some time, so I figured it was high time to replace. Again, South Moon Under FTW.

Yup, I that girl who buys the same piece of clothing in multiple colors. But I don't care because IT HAS A BIRD SILHOUETTE. I had to take down the 11 swallow decals today, so I figure two shirts is an equal trade. My new place will still have the three penguins, three cranes, and one condor, so I'm not totally birdless.

What I Did Not Buy Because It Was A Bit Too Pricey But Am Sorely Regretting And Will Be Checking Back At The Store In A Week And See If They Will Sell It To Me For Less
Yes, that is a gold beaded mini dress with an open back. And if you ask "But where could you where such a thing?", I say , "EVERYWHERE, EVERY DAY."

22 May 2009

i can haz updates!?!11?

So, the end of April through the end of May almost killed me and it just may still. I basically got back from Australia, went to a four day conference in Philly, finished up school, graduated with my master's, found a new place to live, and will be moving on Sunday. So yeah, to say that this time in my life has been a bit busy is an understatement. I've been dying to be able to sit down and pump you all full of the fun thing I've been doing and thinking but when I get home from work/internship/other city, all I want to do is watch so much TV that my butt falls asleep.

But! my trip to Australia provides me with a more than legit reason to post on my work blog, so that will certainly have to happen soon.

Oh and PS, maybe the reason I've been slow to blog? I'm obsessed with Google reader and often comment on the things I share there. Seriously, go get a reader.

Also, my museum blog is back up and running. Because I'm so good at keeping on top of the three blogs I write for now. It is very museum centric, so I'm tempted to say it will be boring to those of you not in the biz, but come on, I'm hilarious and I can make exhibition development exciting to EVERYONE!

19 April 2009

Back from Brissy

Just got back from Australia. Whew, long haul flights are exhausting. In a (probably vain) attempt to get over jet lag as soon as possible, I'm trying to stay awake as long as I can today- shooting for 8pm- by visiting my aunt, applying for jobs, and (just maybe) updating this here blog.

If not here, than certainly look for me at my work blog in the next week or two. I've got some great posts floating around my brain right now.

29 March 2009

Hello again... and good bye again

Howdy! Whew, it has been way way way too long. But it has been for good reason. Since we've talked last, I've had a second interview for a real job in exhibits, took my comps, was in charge of my office while most people were out of the office, celebrated St. Patrick's Day, and more.

And oh the stress. THE STRESS. I'm waiting to hear back from the job. It is in Baltimore, so if I get it, I will have to move pretty much right after graduation. And even if I don't get it, I'll be moving from my current place anyway. Apartment searches are one of my least favorite things ever so I'm not looking forward to May anyway, but the added stress of the job hunt is getting to be too much. I do know that I passed my comps, so that's one less thing to worry about.

I plan on doing a whole lot of no worrying while I'm in Australia. I leave on Thursday and will be gone until the 19 April, which again means that I won't be writing terribly much for the next month. I may be updating here and there, hopefully with some photos, but I can't promise anything- I will be on the beach afterall.

But stay tuned anyway- hopefully I'll have good news regarding the job/apt front!

09 March 2009

Spring is springing and taking me along with it

Yeah, I don't know what that title means exactly. This is my semi yearly post where I write to explain why I'm not writing a lot. If you remember, I said that I was going to Australia in about 3 weeks. Before I go, I have to take my comps this Friday. Comps as in if I don't pass them I don't graduate in May. I'm not too worried- went to a study group last week and we are all pretty set about what we need to know but the prospect of the writing I do in a three hour window determining whether I can walk in May... a bit daunting. And on Friday the 13th. I don't pretend that I'm not only a little superstitious. But I'm trying to not focus on that.

Besides comps, there is a large all staff meeting for most of next week that I won't be attending (pout) but that I have been helping plan. Because of this meeting, I will be in the office 4 days next week, which will help make up for the days that I'm missing while in Australia, but in addition to time abroad and the meeting, I've had to rearrange my schedule to get in enough internship hours so that I can graduate in May (see a theme?). I am creature of habit like WHOA and always hate the first few weeks of the semester when my schedule isn't locked down so this switch up mid Spring is throwing me off. I mean, I'm happy to deal with it because hello, AUSTRALIA, but it doesn't mean that I like sitting down and rearranging both jobs AND the internship. It is a lot to handle.

Also, my coworkers have slowly become my friends, with dinners and random happy hours. This makes me happier than words can say- can you say impromptu dance party after homemade Middle Eastern feast?- but it also means that I get home later and later. And when I do get home, I plop down and watch TV with this ho.

So, that's why the writing has been light. And why it will be light for probably another week or so. Because I know y'all care.

08 March 2009

Reflections on a trip to the grocery store

- There are several posters outside of Safeway advertising the availability of shingles shots. With my *fantastic* eye sight and keen observation skills, I thought is said SINGLES shot. And I thought, well that seems a bit harsh, now doesn't it? Isn't it hard enough to be single to now dodge bullets?

- Only three cashier lines open? Really? That doesn't seem smart, does it, Safeway?

- If you see me eating out over the next few weeks, please, shame me. For I have a ton of food at home. That I should be eating. Instead of buying new food.

- I need new music on my iPod.

- God, I love spring.

- I'm glad they aren't shooting singles.

25 February 2009

Because y'all care

I will be live Twitter blogging the Top Chef finale. I totally ripped this from Pop Waffle, who is HILARIOUS, go watch it all.

Follow me here.

23 February 2009


On Saturday night, I headed into the city with Lauren and Sam for Steph's birthday, a friend of Lauren's from college. It was full of dip and sparkling wine, a sharp contrast as to where my night would end up (Miller Lite and car bombs). Lounging in the apt, I found myself bouncing in my seat and singing along under my breath. It was all pop songs, wonderful, danceable pop songs. And I had to ask- how did you make this wonderful mix?

Of course, no one makes mixes anymore- there is Pandora. Now I totally love Pandora, but I there is something about a carefully sculpted playlist for a party that is dying. I'm totally guilty of this (I'm listening to the Disturbia station that was the fun party music) but they next time I have a party, I may go the way of selecting my songs to play in a certain order. And have no one care because they are eating hot dogs and drinking bears. I mean, beers.

Though I can see how drinking bears would be more captivating then my carefully selected musical accompaiments.

PS. The intial intent of this post was how I should not listen to fun poppy music while I'm trying to get to sleep because twitching in time to music is not conducive to a restful state. And while I still believe that is true, I am apparently mourning the lost art of mixes and playlists on a deeper level.

I can haz blogz reederz!

I never thought the day would come- I made it onto iambossy! Actually, I first typed that as "iamboozy" and while I am not currently in that state NOW (nor is she. or at least I hope not. It is in the morning. Though it is always 5 o'clock somewhere) I thought it was apt. Whew longest parenthetical EVA.

But welcome if you are clicking over from Bossy! This is just what I needed to jump start my Monday. That and a jug of wine. I mean....

22 February 2009

Waste of space

So, I have been a total bump on a log this weekend. Main example: I've watched almost the entirety of New Adventures of Old Christine. The only reason I didn't finish? Not all the links on sidereel were working. It certainly wasn't because I was motivated to do anything.

MAIN EXCEPTION: I made a King Cake! As a strong contrast to my two previous baking for the office- vegan ANZAC biscuits and vegan lace cookies- my king cake (sadly, sans baby) is made of store bought cinnamon buns in a can. With psychedelic icing.

Pics to follow. Right now, I have to go rest from my strenuous FIFTEEN minutes in the kitchen and watch the Oscars and Big Love.

20 February 2009

Brisbane, here I come!

It has happened! My mom got my tickets today and I will be heading over to Australia in just under 6 weeks.* AH! I need to start making so many lists. What to bring, how much to save, how to make up extra hours at my internship, and perhaps most importantly, what to do while I'm there.

Now, even though I studied abroad in Australia six years ago, my little sister whom I'm going to visit is studying in a different city. So, thoughts on what to do in Brisbane/Surfer's Paradise? I guess it is a bit more obvious in the second case, but other than a few museums to check out, I don't really know much of what else to do in Brisbane. If you've been or had friends lucky enough to visit, let me know what you think I should do.

I'm sorry this is such a lackluster post on what is supposed to be an exciting topic. How about:


There, that's a bit better.

*Thanks, Mom! I don't know when I'll be done thanking her for this great opportunity. And even though I don't think she reads this, it is always good karma to put it out there.

17 February 2009

Etsy, my love for you grows

I love it when people turn me on to Etsy shops because it gives me just that. much. more. to want to buy. Just what I need, right?

But what do I love even more? Contests! And winning things!

Head over to Softspoken and Oh! How Lovely! to participate for yourself. See how nice I am, sharing the wealth? Though if you win, you need to give me something in return. Like a milkshake. Or a kitten.

Heading to the other side

So those of you who know me on the 'book or talk to me in real life already know this, but in March/April, I'm heading to AUSTRALIA to visit my little sister!

Isn't she cute? I'm super excited. I haven't been to Australia since I studied abroad there myself six years ago. And I haven't been out of the country since Peru last year.

I guess that can come off sounding a bit like a brat- omg, it has been, like forever, since I've been ANYWHERE?! But I grew up traveling, and living, abroad and I do really think that it is a major part of my life, my connections to other countries. While in Australia, I will be looking for jobs and trying to set up informational interviews, not because I necessarily think that finding a job there will be easier but I certainly won't get one if I don't try.

I also recently applied to a job that is mainly administrative, which I can do and well, but what I'm most excited about is the international aspect of the program I would be supporting. As much as I love DC and the Maryland area (you know I do!), the prospect of getting to do something international is something to keep me going through my last semester.

12 February 2009

Ballet, swoon!

Last night, Maggie and I went to see Highland Fling at the Kennedy Center. And GOODNESS, my heart was in my throat almost the whole time. It has been so long since I've seen a dance performance and I forget how much I miss dance in my life. It has been years since I've been in a formal class and every once in awhile, I find myself looking at belly dance or flamenco or latin dance classes but right now, I just can't afford the time or money to commit to a formal class.

But performances, performances I can do. While the entire show was great, the group scenes made me grab Maggie's hand. No joke. Scottish reel, Irish step dancing- AH, god. Totally made up for the fact that I was sick and got home later than I wanted.

And in two weeks- FLAMENCO! YES!

06 February 2009

I'm going to be OLD

According to the death clock, my last day on earth will be on Friday October 5, 2085 when I am 102 years and 4 months old. Of course, with things like this, you get a different response each time you submit the same variables. So far, the youngest I will be is 96 and the oldest is 106, but I average around 102.

What is keeping me alive so long? My relatively health BMI, the fact that I don't smoke, I'm female, and that I'm optimistic. Apparently, my ability to laugh at myself and others will keep me around for a long time.

05 February 2009

For a total of 100

76. I have been cursed with two cold offices for my past two internships. No joke, FRIGID. Scarves. Coats. Fingerless gloves. But at least I like the work I do!

77. Until I went to school, I spoke mainly Spanish. I understood English but communicated mainly in Spanish.

78. Though this relates to the previous one, it deserves its own number. Once, when I was about 3 or 4, I ran out the room, holding my butt and screaming "Yo tengo poopy! Yo tengo poopy!". For the gringos in the reading audience, that literally translates to "I have poop! I have poop!".

79. When I was waiting around for my mom to finish shopping, I used to pretend that I had a limp and bumble around the store. Sometimes I added a dead arm or a blind eye.

80. I think candy hearts taste nasty but I still like them because they have writing on them.

81. When I got the IKEA catalogue growing up, I would give myself a budget to outfit my first apartment and would sketch the layout on graph paper.

82. I still wish on clocks- 12:34, 11:11, etc.

83. I need dead silence and dark to sleep but can nap in a moving car at the drop of a hat.

84. Sleeping in a car only comes quickly if I'm in the back. If I'm up front, I will be the best navigatrix you've had.

85. I once burned my finger on a hot plate that turned into a nasty blister because I refused to wait to eat to run my burn under water. It was a baked potato. And totally worth it.

86. I love garlic. I read a recipe that calls for 2 cloves of garlic and I will use 8. EIGHT. But no one complains, so it just goes to show that GARLIC IS GOODNESS.

87. When standing at concerts, I dance big to give me and my group more room. People avoid me because they don't want to get hit by my flailing limbs and because I look crazed.

88. If I had facial hair, I would play around with it SO MUCH. Think handlebar mustache and muttonchops.

89. I dream of having a Dyson. And I mean that literally. I've had dreams about using a Dyson.

90. I used to drink Diet Coke like it was my JOB. And then I've had sixteen cavities in the past five years, so I consciously avoid soda. And rinse with fluoride daily.

91. I like to have people guess my ethnic background because they never get it right on the first shot. I mainly get Greek or Jewish. I am (PROUDLY) Colombian and Irish.

92. The best story regarding my identity? When I had to break up a fight between two third graders at my after school program who were screaming at each other "Ms. Tatiana's Dominican!" and "NO! Ms. Tatiana's Pureto Rican!". They were very sad when I told them I was neither.

93. While I can deal with hand to hand violence on screen, any sort of weapon FREAKS. ME. OUT.

94. I am super skittish. As in if Sam, my teeny tiny roommate, sneezes next to me, I jump. Or if she turns on the light, I jump.

95. Back in college, I once organized my AIM list into guys I had made out with, guys I wanted to make out with, and guys that I hope to never, ever make out with.

96. My feet peel at every change of the season but worst is spring to summer. I have pulled off sheets from the bottom of my feet.

97. I used to clip clothes pin to random parts of my face, arms, and hands to see how far my skin would stretch and how much pain I could take.

98. During high school, I put cream cheese on lunch meat and rolled it up, like a little hot dog shaped salt lick of love.

99. If I have more than 5-6 emails in my inbox, I get antsy.

100. I tell people that Shakira is my cousin and while that isn't exactly true, her first boyfriend is my mom's cousin's brother-in-law.

04 February 2009

And 25 more!

Whew, just when you thought I was done.

51. I see food best by dates as suggestions. Loose suggestions. I eat questionable food all the time and have a stronger stomach for it.

52. The toilets at my ocean conservancy non-profit flush when you think about maybe possibly standing up. Wastes a lot of water, ironically. This means that I'm super slow and cautious because I'm afraid of getting some unwanted bidet action. But not just at the office. On all toilets. Awesome.

53. I have a large freckle on my scalp. All of my siblings who have the same mom as me have one too.

54. I get panic attacks on planes.

55. I'm allergic to cats but have lived with 8 over the course of my life.

56. I STILL have delusions of being an actress one day.

57. I want more than one gas fireplace in my grownup house.

58. I can not wait- CAN NOT WAIT- until I have silver/white hair.

59. I have a million places I want to travel but most of the time on vacation, I want to sit on the beach and have drinks.

60. I hate it when my cellphone is all slimey with my face grease.

61. I miss wearing my kilt everyday.

62. I buy foam inserts for almost all my shoes. Cushy.

63. I have an inordinate amount of Restoration Hardware merchandise because my mom works there. My favorites: black out curtains and all the blankets.

64. I force people to be my friends by inviting myself along to outings, sharing way too much personal information, and telling other people that we are friends.

65. In any group of 5-6 people that I force to befriend me, most become acquaintances and 1-2 stick and become really really close.

66. I tend to wear solid color clothes rather than patterns because I want the largest amount of things to match. Exception: socks and underwear. Because you can't see them.

67. I get stress stomach. When I'm upset, I can't eat. It kinda blows because I LOVE food, but hey, when I get sad, I get skinny. Silver lining.

68. Corndogs!

69. I will tell you if you have something in your teeth because I want you to do the same for me.

70. I want to get Invislign to fix my front teeth but it is expensive, so once I save up, I'm probably going to take a hit to my vanity and get a RETAINER.

71. I'm proud of my old school FIRST GENERATION iPod nano. Sure, I lust after the new technology but I also like my thriftiness and will power from not buying the shiny loveliness.

72. It makes me so unhappy when you go in for a first kiss with someone and it is BAD.

73. I've had a lot of blogs. My first one was called Star's Hallow (yes, like Gilmore Girls) while I was studying abrod in Australia 6 years ago. When I got back for my senior year, I started Boring the Betta, which I named after my freshmen year fish.

74. During the months of November and December, I rarely went more than 4 days without having a burrito bol from Chipotle. I didn't have a single one for the entire month of January. I broke down and celebrated my will power with a glorious, glorious mound of beans, cheese, rice, and love on Monday.

75. If you sing "5-8-8", I will be compeled to sing "2-3 hundred EMMMPIRE. Today." a la Roger Rabbit.