01 November 2009


So, today is November 1st, which means one thing around these parts: NaBloPoMo. This marks nablo's fourth year, and my third (god, let that sink in), so be on the lookout for daily posts. May not all be words, probably a fair amount of pictures and songs on the busier days.

Some changes you might see. I've been thinking a lot about my various blogs, for work, for me, and how much easier it would be to combine them all here. A few major things are defining me at the moment: my new job (E-Activism Fellow at Oceana! w00t! go me!) and the fact that I'm a single gal in DC. These things are always subject to change, but for some reason, segmenting my writing feels a little like segmenting up my life. So, that means that there will likely be more work and dating writing here on these parts. But we'll see, we shall see. Sharing an email I'm sending out to over 300,000 people is one thing, writing about my latest dating debacle when I know my family reads this is another. So... we'll see.

In a totally unrelated note, today, I've watched Sleepless in Seattle, About Last Night, Vikings v. Packers, parts of Ghostbusters, Knocked Up, Brothers and Sisters, and Game 4 of the World Series. Let's here it for a solid couch day.

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