12 May 2008

peruvian fun fact #3

lima is much much prettier than you would imagine.or at least, much prettier than i imagined. my trips to latin and south america have taken be through both rural and urban areas and needless to say, the urban areas (with the exception of cartagena, colombia- MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY, EVER) left much to be desired. dirty, smoggy, loud.

i mean, i'm all of those things, so i can't really be in a place that's just like me too.

enter lima, a city of gardens.
they are sprinkled all throughout the city. and if gardens aren't your thing, how about ancient ruins?
because yeah, they are everywhere too.

there are fun buildings.
and monuments.
the amazing water park... well, that will have to wait for another post.

and the flowers- oh the flowers- and address signs were my obsessions. again, another post.

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