13 May 2008

the hunt

anyone who knows me personally knows that i am NOT happy with my current job situation. not to belabor the fact, but i REALLY am not happy. so i've been sending out cover letters and resumes like whoa.

as of right now, i'm waiting to hear back from the smithsonian about a part time gallery attendant position for the summer. i'm making a call to a non profit that i interviewed at a few weeks ago. the natural trust for historic preservation wants to talk to me.

oh and the sewall-belmont house wants me as a docent. and i would love take that job but it is only for a few hours a week and i would still have to be at the 'bucks! farf- that's the feeling you aren't sure you are going to barf or fart. yeah, sam and i come up with amazing lovely things.

so be on the lookout here for some big news! news!

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